ISSN: 2582 - 9734

IJESTI invites high quality Research and Review papers

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Instructions to Authors

IJESTI welcomes the submission of manuscripts that conform to the general criteria of importance and educational excellence. All articles published in IJESTI are peer-reviewed. Topics to be encompassed by this Journal encompass, but aren't restricted to:

How to Submit Manuscripts

Click here Electronic submission of manuscripts is strongly encouraged, provided that the text, tables, and digits are included in a single Microsoft Word file.

Manual Submission:

Submit manuscripts as e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office at A manuscript number will be sent to the corresponding author same day.

Covert Letter:

The cover letter should include the corresponding author's full address and electronic mail address.

Types of Articles:

Original Scientific Articles:

These should describe ultra-modern findings, and experimental strategies should receive enough element for others to affirm and repeat the work.

Short Communications:

A short communication is desirable for putting down the results of entire small investigations or giving info of view models or hypotheses, modern strategies, techniques or equipment. The style of main sections want no longer comply with that of full-duration paper.


Submissions of reviews and surveys covering topics of the present-day hobby are welcome and urged. Inspections must be concise and not than 4-6 revealed pages (more or less 12 to 18 manuscript pages). Reviews manuscripts are also peer-reviewed.

Parts of a Manuscript Title:

The title should be a short word describing the contents of the paper. The Title Page should include the author's full names and affiliations, the figure of the corresponding author along with telephone and E-mail records.


The Abstract must be enlightening and completely self-explanatory, in brief present the topic, state the scope of the experiments, suggest substantial statistics, and factor out major findings and determinations. The Abstract must be 150 to 200 words in length. The abstract must be composed in the past tense and abbreviations have to be forbidden. No literature ought to be observed.

Short Communications:

A short communication is desirable for putting down the results of entire small investigations or giving info of view models or hypotheses, modern strategies, techniques or equipment. The style of main sections want no longer comply with that of full-duration paper.


Following the abstract, about 3 to 5 key words that will provide indexing references should be listed.


The introduction should provide a clear declaration of the problem, the relevant literature on the place, and the proposed approach or solution. It should be understandable to colleagues from a big range of Scientific as well as other subjects.

Methods and materials:

It should be complete enough to allow experiments to be regurgitated. All the same, only truly new tactics ought to be reported in detail; previously posted strategies must be referred to, and critical modifications of published approaches should be adverted to in brief. Subheadings have to be applied.

Results and Discussion:

The end resolution and discussion ought to be offered with readability and precision. The consequences must be penned in the beyond demanding while describing findings in the author's experiments. Discussion, speculation and precise rendering of information ought to no longer be protected by the Results, however, should be put into the Discussion phase.
The Discussion should interpret the findings in view of the results obtained in this and in beyond research on this subject. Solutions and Discussion sections can encompass subheadings, and whilst suitable, each section may be merged.


State the conclusions in a few sentences at the closing of the report


The acknowledgment of people, grants, funds, should be brief.

Tables and Illustrations (to be arranged at the end)

Tables should be typed on separate sheets and numbered in Roman numerals. Lower-case superscript letters should indicate footnotes to the boards. All tables have to be quoted in the text content. Illustrations (referred as images, line graphs or bar charts) have to be both in grim and white or distorted. The scan of photos can be furnished the use of Tiff or JPG report one after the other or inserted in the textbook. Captions for illustrations need to be numbered consecutively to correspond with the numbers. All images/tables need to be adverted to in the textual content.


References are each numbered, ordered sequentially as they appear within the textual content, strategies precis, tables, packing containers, discern legends, online-best strategies, Extended Data tables and Extended Data figure legends.


Entry of a manuscript implies that the work described has not been printed before (besides inside the flesh of an abstract or as a portion of a published lecture, or thesis) that it isn't under consideration for publication elsewhere; that if and whilst the manuscript is accepted for publishing, the authors conform to automatic transfer of the copyright to the author.

The paper must be set in the following order with all pages numbered







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Author/s Name/s

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Affiliation of the Author/s

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Email/s of the Author/s

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Abstract Heading &Keywords

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10/09 italic, bold


All other Sub Headings

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10 bold



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Call For Papers



Call For Papers
October 2024

